Modern electronic typewriters such as Nakajima, Brother, Olivetti and Olympia.
- These machines use the familiar “daisy wheel” printwheels which are removable and replaceable with different typestyles.
- Self correcting.
- Many of these machines have minor word processing capabilities including auto spell check , document formatting, auto carriage return and right margin justification.
- We sell new solid portables, medium use and robust office quality machines.


IBM Wheelwriters
IBM Wheelwriters, Personal Wheelwriters and the Lexmark versions of these IBM machines.
- These machines use the familiar “daisy wheel” printwheels which are removable and replaceable with different typestyles.
- Self correcting.
- Many of these machines have minor word processing capabilities including auto spell check, document formatting, auto carriage return and right margin justification.
- We sell used and refurbished machines.
- Service and parts are still available for these popular machines.
IBM Correcting Selectrics III, Correcting Selectrics II and Selectrics I.
All machines feature the famous removable and replaceable “golf ball” elements which gave IBM almost 85% of the typewriter market at one time.
The II and IIIs are either correcting or non-correcting.
We sell used and refurbished machines.
- Service, parts and supplies are still available for these popular machines.
John is a master mechanic that has repaired thousands of IBM Selectrics and WheelWriters. Despite their age, these machines are usually worth saving and are a favorite for many, including business environments.

IBM MODEL D, C, B and 01 Typewriters
- Although there are not many of these machines left, we may still be able to service these venerable office machines.

- We service all brands of electric typewriters going back to the 1950s: Smith-Corona, Brother, Olivetti, Olympia and many more. Many of our customers took these machines to college with them and have brought them in for repair so their grandchildren can type on them.
- We still sell new manual portable and manual office typewriters.
- We service all brands of manuals.
- Service and parts are still available for many of these machines.
- We have repaired and/or restored antique machines that were built as far back as the 1880s. Many people like to have these gems to type on. Many of the older machines are beautiful pieces of equipment that make great conversation pieces.
- This picture is of a Oliver manual typewriter that was built in Chicago circa late 1800’s. It is an unusual and impressive looking machine.
- If you find one of these gems at a resale shop or estate sale, bring it in for an estimate.
- We have restored and adapted old portables for use in weddings where guests can type their contact information.